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Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need

How do students attend class?

Classes will be held on Google Meet or another video conferencing platform. Links for the classes will be included in the course syllabus before the first day of class.

Are there age limits for the classes?

Students should be at least 12 years old to attend our Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Patent courses.  Students attending the Constitutional Law course should be at least 14 years old, due to the nature and complexity of the cases we study. Exceptions can be discussed and considered on a case-by-case basis.

What are the costs?

There are three pricing options for each live class based on the level of accountability the student has.  Additional details about the pricing can be found on the class registration page.  A HEALI Scholarship may be available for a limited number of students based on a financial need, however, Scholarship students will be expected to assist with day-to-day administrative tasks for the course.

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